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White Paper on Curriculum...

White Paper on Curriculum Content for the Future

  • Año de edición 2020
USD $ 13,99

As a father of three, grandfather of four and secondary school teacher with nearly forty years of teaching experience, after having lived on this beautiful planet for more than six decades, Beat Inderbitzin wrestles with, "What are we leaving for the generations to come?" Nuclear waste, a climate out of control, mountain landscapes without glaciers, immeasurable environmental damage, filthy and empty oceans, deforested old-growth forests, polluted air, landscapes covered in concrete! (WWF report from 10/30/2018) Beat Inderbitzin makes it brutally clear to us exactly how selfishly we exploit our planet without any regard for future generations. Through his teaching, he wants to clearly demonstrate to the children in the world just how fragile and unique our planet is!

As a father of three, grandfather of four and secondary school teacher with nearly forty years of teaching experience, after having lived on this beautiful planet for more than six decades, Beat Inderbitzin wrestles with, "What are we leaving for the generations to come?" Nuclear waste, a climate out of control, mountain landscapes without glaciers, immeasurable environmental damage, filthy and empty oceans, deforested old-growth forests, polluted air, landscapes covered in concrete! (WWF report from 10/30/2018) Beat Inderbitzin makes it brutally clear to us exactly how selfishly we exploit our planet without any regard for future generations. Through his teaching, he wants to clearly demonstrate to the children in the world just how fragile and unique our planet is!
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