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Familiar Letters

Familiar Letters

  • Año de edición 2014
COP $ 12.900

The Letters of Thoreau, though not less remarkable in some aspects than what he wrote carefully for publication, have thus far scarcely had justice done them. The selection made for a small volume in 1865 was designedly done to exhibit one phase of his character,—the most striking, if you will, but not the most native or attractive. " In his own home," says Ellery Charming, who knew him more inwardly than any other, " he was one of those characters who may be called ' household treasures; ' always on the spot, with skillful eye and hand, to raise the best melons in the garden, plant the orchard with choicest trees, or act as extempore mechanic; fond of the pets, his sister's flowers, or sacred Tabby; kittens were his favorites,—he would play with them by the half-hour. No whim or coldness, no absorption of his time by public or private business, deprived those to whom he belonged of his kindness and afiection. He did the duties that lay nearest, and satisfied those in his immediate circle; and whatever the impressions from the theoretical part of his writings, when the matter is probed to the bottom, good sense and good feeling will be detected in it."

The Letters of Thoreau, though not less remarkable in some aspects than what he wrote carefully for publication, have thus far scarcely had justice done them. The selection made for a small volume in 1865 was designedly done to exhibit one phase of his character,—the most striking, if you will, but not the most native or attractive. " In his own home," says Ellery Charming, who knew him more inwardly than any other, " he was one of those characters who may be called ' household treasures; ' always on the spot, with skillful eye and hand, to raise the best melons in the garden, plant the orchard with choicest trees, or act as extempore mechanic; fond of the pets, his sister's flowers, or sacred Tabby; kittens were his favorites,—he would play with them by the half-hour. No whim or coldness, no absorption of his time by public or private business, deprived those to whom he belonged of his kindness and afiection. He did the duties that lay nearest, and satisfied those in his immediate circle; and whatever the impressions from the theoretical part of his writings, when the matter is probed to the bottom, good sense and good feeling will be detected in it."
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Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau


Quizás entre las profesiones más conocidas de Henry David Thoreau se encuentren: agrimensor, naturalista, jardinero y conferencista, lo que pocos saben es que trabajó varios años en la producción de lápices en la fábrica de su padre. Cuando tuvo oportunidad de elegir su profesión se reconoció como “inspector de ventiscas y diluvios”. Thoreau nació en Concord, Massachusetts un 12 de julio de 1817. Ingresó a la universidad de Harvard en 1833 y egresó cuatro años después. Durante algún tiempo trabajó como profesor y tutor en Concord y en Staten Island. En agosto de 1839 realizó un viaje de una semana por los ríos Concord y Merrimack con su hermano John. El resultado de este viaje se conoció como A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Thoreau empezó a escribirlo durante su estadía en la cabaña de Walden y fue publicado diez años después, en 1849. Desde 1841 a 1843 vivió en la casa del filósofo Ralph Waldo Emerson quien lo introdujo en el pensamiento trascendentalista y lo trató con un espíritu paternal. Tan solo dos años después de trabar relación, Ralph le cedió un terreno cerca de Walden Pond, allí Thoreau construyó una pequeña cabaña que sería puntapié de uno de sus mayores experimentos. En 1849 se publica Desobediencia civil donde sentó las bases teóricas de la resistencia pasiva como método de protesta. Henry David Thoreau falleció el 6 de mayo de 1862 en su ciudad natal.