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Sara's new school

Sara's new school

  • Año de edición 2021
USD $ 5,99

In this book, the character Sara faces the challenge of starting classes in a new school. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is always looking for new adventures and meeting interesting people. Sara's new school is a new book in the series after The girl who liked to Know everything, Sara's family, Sara's hair, The saci in the garden, There is a ghost in my house, The little champion, Sara Goes to Japan and Sara goes to the Beach.

In this book, the character Sara faces the challenge of starting classes in a new school. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is always looking for new adventures and meeting interesting people. Sara's new school is a new book in the series after The girl who liked to Know everything, Sara's family, Sara's hair, The saci in the garden, There is a ghost in my house, The little champion, Sara Goes to Japan and Sara goes to the Beach.
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    12.4 MB
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