- Ebook
Innovacities: impact of regional innovation systems on the competitive strategies of cities
- Año de edición 2017
The term innovation has been a concept excessively manipulated by government leaders, important businessmen, academicians, consultants and journalists, trying to sell a motive to those who want or need a change, whether they are accustomed to buying products in an exaggerated way with no other purpose than supporting consumer habits, or to those who practically do not need them. We have observed in innumerable cases of world stature that innovation is prompted by the desire to enter and remain in economies of marked consumer capitalism, and in all these cases it has been noted that if the entrepreneurs, companies, cities, regions or countries are not ready to promote and support innovation in a socially inclusive and democratic fashion, these efforts are useless and only superficial changes, not administered to democratize in any true depth, are achieved.
Peso12.2 MB
Número de páginas220
Año de edición2017