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  • Ebook
Psychotherapy with Dignity

Psychotherapy with Dignity

  • Año de edición 2021
USD $ 15,99

Founded by Viktor E. Frankl, logotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that has proven itself over decades - through periods of war and prosperity - to work for the happiness and mitigate the unhappiness of all sorts of people. It has an impressive track record of success. It helps people to remain mentally supple in crisis situations and opens up new possibilities for discovering meaning. Its sophisticated methods all rely on the inalienable dignity of the unique person - who is trusted, in the interplay of freedom and responsibility, to outgrow his or her own problems and weaknesses. In this book, two experts in logotherapy report on their experiences. Through real case histories and expert discussion, readers discover for themselves just how beneficial this form of psychotherapy can be.

Founded by Viktor E. Frankl, logotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that has proven itself over decades - through periods of war and prosperity - to work for the happiness and mitigate the unhappiness of all sorts of people. It has an impressive track record of success. It helps people to remain mentally supple in crisis situations and opens up new possibilities for discovering meaning. Its sophisticated methods all rely on the inalienable dignity of the unique person - who is trusted, in the interplay of freedom and responsibility, to outgrow his or her own problems and weaknesses. In this book, two experts in logotherapy report on their experiences. Through real case histories and expert discussion, readers discover for themselves just how beneficial this form of psychotherapy can be.
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    611.8 KB
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Elisabeth Lukas


Elisabeth Lukas (Viena, 1942) La doctora habilitada Elisabeth Lukas fue alumna del profesor Viktor E. Frankl. En su calidad de psicóloga clínica y psicoterapeuta facultada, se especializó en la práctica de la logoterapia, que ha seguido desarrollando de manera sistemática. Después de trece años de actividad en el área de la educación, la familia y el asesoramiento, en 1986 asumió la dirección especializada del Instituto para la Logoterapia de Sur de Alemania, sito en Fürstenfeldbruck, en las inmediaciones de Munich, cargo que desempeñó durante diecisiete años. Actualmente sigue ejerciendo como profesora en Escuela Superior y como educadora de terapeutas en el Instituto para la Formación de Logoterapeutas ABILE, Austria. Su obra se ha visto reconocida con el Gran Premio del Fondo Viktor Frankl de la Ciudad de Viena. Sus ponencias y conferencias en más de cincuenta universidades, así como sus publicaciones en trece lenguas diferentes, le han valido una proyección internacional.