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  • Ebook


  • Año de edición 2023
COP $ 9.900

A subglacial and highly technological world, almost a complete unknown, reigns under millions of tons of ice. A small, prosperous kingdom in a desert region of Africa occupied by a myriad of peoples and ethnicities, whose legends are _ lled with magic and mystery. A majestic ancient cave in Ethiopia, atop steep and abrupt mountains, where a strange community lives, preserving its myths, knowledge, and a gnosis that sets it apart from the civilized world. At the Australian Embassy in Antarctica, in the Nevada Crater, a sailor comes across a series of enigmatic events such as the unsolved kidnapping and murder of athletes by an Ice wizard in the unique and strange African kingdom, linking obscure worlds in a plot that will involve queens, princesses, detectives, sorceres, giants, and monsters. In this work, the author takes us into a world of fantasy and science fiction, through an original plot that involves jealousy, passion, struggle, and power, creating a gripping story and maintaining suspense from beginning to end.

A subglacial and highly technological world, almost a complete unknown, reigns under millions of tons of ice. A small, prosperous kingdom in a desert region of Africa occupied by a myriad of peoples and ethnicities, whose legends are _ lled with magic and mystery. A majestic ancient cave in Ethiopia, atop steep and abrupt mountains, where a strange community lives, preserving its myths, knowledge, and a gnosis that sets it apart from the civilized world. At the Australian Embassy in Antarctica, in the Nevada Crater, a sailor comes across a series of enigmatic events such as the unsolved kidnapping and murder of athletes by an Ice wizard in the unique and strange African kingdom, linking obscure worlds in a plot that will involve queens, princesses, detectives, sorceres, giants, and monsters. In this work, the author takes us into a world of fantasy and science fiction, through an original plot that involves jealousy, passion, struggle, and power, creating a gripping story and maintaining suspense from beginning to end.
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