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  • Ebook


  • Año de edición 2021
COP $ 9.900

"Albert" is a short story by Nobel Prize winning Russian author Leo Tolstoy. The lead character, Albert, is a homeless, yet brilliant, violinist. The kind stranger Delesov wanted to save the young violinist, but after taking him home, discovers that Albert's drinking and temper threaten to destroy his entire family. Albert has been described as reflection on moral questions of art, and society's ability to recognize true art.

"Albert" is a short story by Nobel Prize winning Russian author Leo Tolstoy. The lead character, Albert, is a homeless, yet brilliant, violinist. The kind stranger Delesov wanted to save the young violinist, but after taking him home, discovers that Albert's drinking and temper threaten to destroy his entire family. Albert has been described as reflection on moral questions of art, and society's ability to recognize true art.
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    470.9 KB
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León Tolstói


(1828-1910) fue un novelista ruso, considerado uno de los escritores más importantes de la literatura mundial. Sus dos obras más famosas, Guerra y Paz y Ana Karénina (1877), están consideradas como la cúspide del realismo ruso, junto a obras de Fiódor Dostoyevski. Adscrito a la corriente realista, intentó reflejar fielmente la sociedad en la que vivía. Fue defensor del esperanto, y en sus últimos años tras varias crisis espirituales se convirtió en una persona profundamente religiosa y altruista, rechazó toda su obra literaria anterior y criticó a las instituciones eclesiásticas.