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Women, Drug Policies, and...
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The war on drugs has been a failure: even though more people have been incarcerated, accused of drug crimes, the consumption of substances hasn't reduced, the narcotic traffic keeps growing and the violence associated to it has increased. The drug policy in Colombia has focused on criminalizing and imprisoning the lowest-ranking members of the drug trade, who are mainly poor people that occupy a marginal relationship with the business and with society. And there is a particular tendency for single mothers, who haven't been able to find a formal job, to get involved in the illegal drug trade networks, developing high-risk tasks which are poorly remunerated. This document, on the one hand, makes a diagnosis about the situation of women linked with drug crimes in Colombia and the impact that has in their lives and families. On the other hand, It also offers public policy recommendations aimed at mitigating incarceration's disproportionate effects on these women, with an eye toward preventing such effects in the future.

The war on drugs has been a failure: even though more people have been incarcerated, accused of drug crimes, the consumption of substances hasn't reduced, the narcotic traffic keeps growing and the violence associated to it has increased. The drug policy in Colombia has focused on criminalizing and imprisoning the lowest-ranking members of the drug trade, who are mainly poor people that occupy a marginal relationship with the business and with society. And there is a particular tendency for single mothers, who haven't been able to find a formal job, to get involved in the illegal drug trade networks, developing high-risk tasks which are poorly remunerated. This document, on the one hand, makes a diagnosis about the situation of women linked with drug crimes in Colombia and the impact that has in their lives and families. On the other hand, It also offers public policy recommendations aimed at mitigating incarceration's disproportionate effects on these women, with an eye toward preventing such effects in the future.
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Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes

Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes


Es jurista, profesor y catedrático emérito Universidad Nacional de Colombia, dirigió Dejusticia durante una década, entidad en la cual se desempeña como investigador, fue magistrado auxiliar y encargado de la Corte Constitucional y es conjuez de esa Corte y del Consejo de Estado. 

Luis Felipe Cruz Olivera


Es abogado y sociólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Su ámbito de investigación es la historia y el desarrollo del conflicto armado y su relación con el narcotráfico. Ha trabajado el vínculo entre garantía de derechos humanos, procedimiento penal y sistemas penitenciarios. También ha estudiado la calidad de vida en territorios donde se cultiva coca, y el impacto de las políticas de drogas en el acceso a derechos sociales en poblaciones cocaleras. En la actualidad, es investigador de la línea de Política de Drogas en Dejusticia, y hace parte del equipo que coordina el Colectivo de Estudios de Drogas y Derecho.