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  • Ebook
Trapped in a Game No.3: The...

Trapped in a Game No.3: The Diamond

  • Año de edición 2023
USD $ 12,99

12-year-old Noah loves to play computer games. And he's good at it. One day, he wakes up in a place he doesn't recognize. He doesn't remember how he got there, and he has no idea how to get back home. The only thing guiding him is a watch that sends him messages. In this book, the watch wants him to find a diamond in a world full of monsters. Is Noah up to the task? And what happens if he fails?

12-year-old Noah loves to play computer games. And he's good at it. One day, he wakes up in a place he doesn't recognize. He doesn't remember how he got there, and he has no idea how to get back home. The only thing guiding him is a watch that sends him messages. In this book, the watch wants him to find a diamond in a world full of monsters. Is Noah up to the task? And what happens if he fails?
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