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The class photo

The class photo

  • Año de edición 2023
USD $ 14,99

A class photo can tell more than a thousand words - this is what Karl Heinz Wickermann and his son discover when they find one during a move. Wickermann immediately recalls the countless adventures he had with his classmates. It was not only the time when students were at the absolute mercy of the teachers, it was also the last days of the war, when it was often about very different things than learning. Regardless of the difficult time, the usual pranks and teasing as well as the harassment of the teachers happened in the grammar school, but always under the impression of the immediate end of the war. How do the children experience this deprived, yet adventurous time?

A class photo can tell more than a thousand words - this is what Karl Heinz Wickermann and his son discover when they find one during a move. Wickermann immediately recalls the countless adventures he had with his classmates. It was not only the time when students were at the absolute mercy of the teachers, it was also the last days of the war, when it was often about very different things than learning. Regardless of the difficult time, the usual pranks and teasing as well as the harassment of the teachers happened in the grammar school, but always under the impression of the immediate end of the war. How do the children experience this deprived, yet adventurous time?
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