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  • Ebook
The secret island

The secret island

  • Año de edición 2023
USD $ 16,99

For Dr Michael Berg it is a stroke of luck when he is offered the management of the small hospital on a remote island. He is to treat prisoners who are settled there as part of a secret project. The offenders are allowed to move freely on the idyllic, seemingly uninhabited island and have to look after themselves. Very soon, however, it turns out that they are not alone at all. None of them suspects that they are to become victims of a gruesome experiment. Only when huge primeval predators invade the men's camp and apparently regard the defenceless humans as prey, do they realise that they are in the utmost danger of their lives on this cursed island ...

For Dr Michael Berg it is a stroke of luck when he is offered the management of the small hospital on a remote island. He is to treat prisoners who are settled there as part of a secret project. The offenders are allowed to move freely on the idyllic, seemingly uninhabited island and have to look after themselves. Very soon, however, it turns out that they are not alone at all. None of them suspects that they are to become victims of a gruesome experiment. Only when huge primeval predators invade the men's camp and apparently regard the defenceless humans as prey, do they realise that they are in the utmost danger of their lives on this cursed island ...
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