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Elizabeth and Vlad

Elizabeth and Vlad

  • Año de edición 2023
USD $ 14,99

Elizabeth Baker's life is turned upside down when her father tells her to travel to Romania to learn about her roots and her true destiny. For her, that means putting her career as a doctor on hold and leaving her boyfriend behind. And yet, the next day she's on a plane - destination: Bucharest. Once there, she meets Vlad. Immediately she senses that there is something special between them. But then she learns not only that he is a vampire, but also that he is married. Outraged, Elizabeth flees. But fate has other plans and brings the two together again. But Vlad has more than just a skeleton in his closet ... Is their love strong enough to survive more than one obstacle? And what is their destiny?

Elizabeth Baker's life is turned upside down when her father tells her to travel to Romania to learn about her roots and her true destiny. For her, that means putting her career as a doctor on hold and leaving her boyfriend behind. And yet, the next day she's on a plane - destination: Bucharest. Once there, she meets Vlad. Immediately she senses that there is something special between them. But then she learns not only that he is a vampire, but also that he is married. Outraged, Elizabeth flees. But fate has other plans and brings the two together again. But Vlad has more than just a skeleton in his closet ... Is their love strong enough to survive more than one obstacle? And what is their destiny?
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    671.5 KB
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