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  • Ebook
Caught in the Venus trap....

Caught in the Venus trap. Between love and crime

  • Año de edición 2024
USD $ 19,99

A successful model, a failed marriage, the Parisian luxury life - against this backdrop, a love story unfolds that is put to the test in many ways. The question soon arises as to whether the fateful encounter between Jonas and Adaya was really a coincidence or whether there are more connections between them than they initially believe. Gradually, the entanglements of secret services and family tragedies become apparent. It is the love of the protagonists that keeps the reader captivated until the very last line.

A successful model, a failed marriage, the Parisian luxury life - against this backdrop, a love story unfolds that is put to the test in many ways. The question soon arises as to whether the fateful encounter between Jonas and Adaya was really a coincidence or whether there are more connections between them than they initially believe. Gradually, the entanglements of secret services and family tragedies become apparent. It is the love of the protagonists that keeps the reader captivated until the very last line.
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    573.5 KB
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