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Cold-blooded quest for power

Cold-blooded quest for power

  • Año de edición 2024
USD $ 18,99

Wei Cáo, boss of the Düsseldorf branch of a cartel, collects millions from the sale of stolen data. His henchman Yuri Belyayev does the necessary work for him. When automobile developer Carlheinz Holtkamp appears with a request for help, Gerd Bach and the Staller company end up in the middle of the action. To celebrate Hannah's wedding to Kilian, the two all-rounders from Gerd's team find themselves at Dominik's sister's house. But what does the Nuremberg bank employee have to do with the cartel's activities? Gerd Bach has no idea how dangerous the investigation will be and who they are on the trail of. Can he and Emma Wolf avert the danger to Dominik's family, especially Hannah's children?

Wei Cáo, boss of the Düsseldorf branch of a cartel, collects millions from the sale of stolen data. His henchman Yuri Belyayev does the necessary work for him. When automobile developer Carlheinz Holtkamp appears with a request for help, Gerd Bach and the Staller company end up in the middle of the action. To celebrate Hannah's wedding to Kilian, the two all-rounders from Gerd's team find themselves at Dominik's sister's house. But what does the Nuremberg bank employee have to do with the cartel's activities? Gerd Bach has no idea how dangerous the investigation will be and who they are on the trail of. Can he and Emma Wolf avert the danger to Dominik's family, especially Hannah's children?
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