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  • Ebook
Raw food diet nutrition basics

Raw food diet nutrition basics

  • Año de edición 2024
USD $ 5,99

A comprehensive guide for anyone interested in a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. The author presents readers with a unique approach to a raw food diet, based on the principles of natural and healthy nutrition. The book presents the basic principles of a raw food diet, including choosing and preparing raw foods, the impact of nutrition on health and energy, and practical tips for creating a balanced menu. The author shares recipes for raw food dishes that will not only delight in taste, but also provide the body with essential nutrients. This book will become a reliable guide for everyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle, fullness of life and harmony with nature through a raw food diet.

A comprehensive guide for anyone interested in a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. The author presents readers with a unique approach to a raw food diet, based on the principles of natural and healthy nutrition. The book presents the basic principles of a raw food diet, including choosing and preparing raw foods, the impact of nutrition on health and energy, and practical tips for creating a balanced menu. The author shares recipes for raw food dishes that will not only delight in taste, but also provide the body with essential nutrients. This book will become a reliable guide for everyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle, fullness of life and harmony with nature through a raw food diet.
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