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Jacob's Room
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Jacob's Room is the third novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 26 October 1922. The novel centres, in a very ambiguous way, around the life story of the protagonist Jacob Flanders and is presented almost entirely through the impressions other characters have of Jacob. Thus, although it could be said that the book is primarily a character study and has little in the way of plot or background, the narrative is constructed with a void in place of the central character if, indeed, the novel can be said to have a 'protagonist' in conventional terms. Motifs of emptiness and absence haunt the novel and establish its elegiac feel. Jacob is described to us, but in such indirect terms that it would seem better to view him as an amalgam of the different perceptions of the characters and narrator. He does not exist as a concrete reality, but rather as a collection of memories and sensations. Set in pre-war England, the novel begins in Jacob's childhood and follows him through college at Cambridge and into adulthood. The story is told mainly through the perspectives of the women in Jacob's life, including the repressed upper-middle-class Clara Durrant and the uninhibited young art student Florinda, with whom he has an affair. His time in London forms a large part of the story, though towards the end of the novel he travels to Italy and then Greece.

Jacob's Room is the third novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 26 October 1922. The novel centres, in a very ambiguous way, around the life story of the protagonist Jacob Flanders and is presented almost entirely through the impressions other characters have of Jacob. Thus, although it could be said that the book is primarily a character study and has little in the way of plot or background, the narrative is constructed with a void in place of the central character if, indeed, the novel can be said to have a 'protagonist' in conventional terms. Motifs of emptiness and absence haunt the novel and establish its elegiac feel. Jacob is described to us, but in such indirect terms that it would seem better to view him as an amalgam of the different perceptions of the characters and narrator. He does not exist as a concrete reality, but rather as a collection of memories and sensations. Set in pre-war England, the novel begins in Jacob's childhood and follows him through college at Cambridge and into adulthood. The story is told mainly through the perspectives of the women in Jacob's life, including the repressed upper-middle-class Clara Durrant and the uninhibited young art student Florinda, with whom he has an affair. His time in London forms a large part of the story, though towards the end of the novel he travels to Italy and then Greece.
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Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf


(Adeline Virginia Stephen) nació en Londres en 1882, hija del escritor Sir Leslie Stephen y Julia Prinsep Jackson. Sir Leslie estaba emparentado con William Thackeray, y frecuentaban su casa escritores como Henry James (cuya influencia en Virginia Woolf es notoria), Alfred Tennyson o Thomas Hardy.
Julia era de una belleza extraordinaria, por lo que fue modelo de los pintores prerrafelitas, entre ellos Edward Burne Jones. La muerte repentina de su madre, acontecida cuando Virginia sólo tenía 13 años, fue la causa de su primera depresión. A ella se sumaron otras a lo largo de su vida, además de padecer un trastorno bipolar. Una situación tal vez derivada de los abusos sexuales que al parecer padeció llevados a cabo por sus hermanastros.
Tras la muerte de su padre, Virginia se trasladó con su hermana Vanessa al barrio de Blooms­bury, donde frecuentó a los miembros del conocido grupo y a otros intelectuales: Lytton Stra­chey, Keynes, Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, Gerald Brenan, Dora Carrington y Leonard Woolf entre ellos. En 1912 se casó con Leonard Woolf, y con él fundó la famosa editorial Hogarth Press, en la que además de publicarse las obras de Virginia, aparecieron libros importantes de Sigmund Freud, T. S. Eliot o Katherine Mansfield. En 1922 Virginia conoció a Vita Sackville-West, con la que estableció una relación sentimental que duró varios años, sin que por ello se resintiera la que mantenía con Leonard. De hecho, Orlando, una de las mejores novelas de Virginia estaba dedicada a Vita.

El 28 de marzo de 1941 Virginia se suicidó. Llenó de piedras los bolsillos de su abrigo, y se sumergió en el río Ouse.