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The Illegal Kisser

The Illegal Kisser

USD $ 9,99

Deliu's heart-wrenching, moving yet thought-provoking story takes up an ever recurring theme: love. Only this time to paint a different picture about the notion of love. It reflects love as a struggle for freedom and denounces the potentiality of distopic force acting against those values in the future. It is a felony that has to be punished, a dangerous ideology that has to be vetoed against. Deliu leads us into a world where true feelings had better be suppressed, and real emotions had better not be displayed. It seems that love only leads to confusion, turmoil and chaos. Throughout the story, Deliu follows his hero, young Ivan Sholokhov, as he is heading for disaster. He cannot seem to escape his destiny: he loves, he feels, he fails; and he pays a high price for it.

Deliu's heart-wrenching, moving yet thought-provoking story takes up an ever recurring theme: love. Only this time to paint a different picture about the notion of love. It reflects love as a struggle for freedom and denounces the potentiality of distopic force acting against those values in the future. It is a felony that has to be punished, a dangerous ideology that has to be vetoed against. Deliu leads us into a world where true feelings had better be suppressed, and real emotions had better not be displayed. It seems that love only leads to confusion, turmoil and chaos. Throughout the story, Deliu follows his hero, young Ivan Sholokhov, as he is heading for disaster. He cannot seem to escape his destiny: he loves, he feels, he fails; and he pays a high price for it.
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    138.4 KB
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