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Chrology was conducted in various and generalize domain to catch all universe and his presence in one law. Over eighteen years of quest, these researches open a huge door to Rotam to discover a single and absolute law that governs all presence and existence of Universe. Chrology is the science of all sciences, unification of all human knowledge and show the whole universe in its different faces of existence. Chrology explain everything that the entire system of the universe allows us to access, understand that escape our standard methods. Chrology opens up a new conception and new ideas to add to our knowledge to understand how the absolute mysteries, the immeasurable beauties and the complexities of the universe must present itself to our access with a unique law.

Chrology was conducted in various and generalize domain to catch all universe and his presence in one law. Over eighteen years of quest, these researches open a huge door to Rotam to discover a single and absolute law that governs all presence and existence of Universe. Chrology is the science of all sciences, unification of all human knowledge and show the whole universe in its different faces of existence. Chrology explain everything that the entire system of the universe allows us to access, understand that escape our standard methods. Chrology opens up a new conception and new ideas to add to our knowledge to understand how the absolute mysteries, the immeasurable beauties and the complexities of the universe must present itself to our access with a unique law.
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