- Impreso
Economic corridors in Asia: paradigm of integration?. A reflection for Latin America
- Año de edición 2020
USD $ 21,15
Global geopolitics has shifted dramatically over the last thirty years. After the vanishing expectations of a unipolar international system led by the United States, China has gained an increasingly dominant role in areas as innovative as quantum computing, robotics and artificial intelligence. In the ‘non-digital’ dimension, the eastern superpower has made gigantic investments in its Belt and Road Initiative. These investments allow for the connection of more than 60 countries worldwide, guaranteeing China’s energetic security, easier conditions for trading goods and services and, perhaps more importantly, a significant influence in the political and economic events of the world.
Global geopolitics has shifted dramatically over the last thirty years. After the vanishing expectations of a unipolar international system led by the United States, China has gained an increasingly dominant role in areas as innovative as quantum computing, robotics and artificial intelligence. In the ‘non-digital’ dimension, the eastern superpower has made gigantic investments in its Belt and Road Initiative. These investments allow for the connection of more than 60 countries worldwide, guaranteeing China’s energetic security, easier conditions for trading goods and services and, perhaps more importantly, a significant influence in the political and economic events of the world.
Peso0.46 kg.
Tamaño14 x 21 cm.
Número de páginas460
Año de edición2020
Código de barras9789587903812