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Pandemic inequality. Civil...

Pandemic inequality. Civil society Narratives from the Global South

  • Año de edición 2020
USD $ 14,19

For the past seven years, Dejusticia has hosted small groups of advocates for our Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates from the Global South. The workshop works with these advocates to deepen their research and narrative writing skills, build South-South connections and collaborations, and increase the visibility of their work and writing. Each cohort of workshop participants contributes chapters to an edited volume and also publishes shorter narrative pieces on Amphibious Accounts, the blog associated with the workshop. Over time, workshop alumni have grown to number more than one hundred 11 Introduction incredible advocates, spanning the globe from Chile to Egypt to Nigeria to the Philippines.

For the past seven years, Dejusticia has hosted small groups of advocates for our Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates from the Global South. The workshop works with these advocates to deepen their research and narrative writing skills, build South-South connections and collaborations, and increase the visibility of their work and writing. Each cohort of workshop participants contributes chapters to an edited volume and also publishes shorter narrative pieces on Amphibious Accounts, the blog associated with the workshop. Over time, workshop alumni have grown to number more than one hundred 11 Introduction incredible advocates, spanning the globe from Chile to Egypt to Nigeria to the Philippines.
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    0.12 kg.
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    15 x 24 cm.
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Jessica Corredor Villamil


Es doctora en sociología y antropología de la Universidad Paris VII – Denis Diderot en Francia (tesis con mención honorífica). Cuenta con una maestría en migración y relaciones interétnicas de la misma universidad. Fue becaria del Instituto de Investigación para el Desarollo (IRD) en Francia.

Ha trabajado en el ámbito académico en Francia y en Colombia, donde ha desarrollado investigaciones sobre la construcción del Estado, los movimientos sociales y la participación colectiva de campesinos y grupos étnicos. También ha trabajado con ONG internacionales y como consultora de derechos humanos.

Actualmente trabaja  como Directora del Área Internacional de Dejusticia.