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  • Ebook
Catastrophe & Spectacle

Catastrophe & Spectacle

  • Año de edición 2018
USD $ 40,00

From epidemics in the 17th century and the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 to Guernica in World War II, the essays in this volume trace the development of the catastrophic imagination, relying heavily on pictorial media and different forms of staging. Catastrophe in its modern sense seems to be inextricably linked to its spectacular representation, be it on the stage, on screen or in popular amusement parks. But the modern relationship between catastrophe and spectacle is also increasingly confronting us with the unimaginable side of catastrophe, particularly with regard to the Holocaust and in more recent times to the daily experience of refugees. The essays in this volume elucidate images of the catastrophes that have inspired them by providing a textual commentary that makes it possible to reconsider how the spectacular and the catastrophic are interrelated. Thus, the essays not only deal with the emergence of the modern spectacular imagination of catastrophe in terms of the history of both discourse and media, they also present themselves as a critique of catastrophe, one based on close readings of the scenes and images in question.

From epidemics in the 17th century and the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 to Guernica in World War II, the essays in this volume trace the development of the catastrophic imagination, relying heavily on pictorial media and different forms of staging. Catastrophe in its modern sense seems to be inextricably linked to its spectacular representation, be it on the stage, on screen or in popular amusement parks. But the modern relationship between catastrophe and spectacle is also increasingly confronting us with the unimaginable side of catastrophe, particularly with regard to the Holocaust and in more recent times to the daily experience of refugees. The essays in this volume elucidate images of the catastrophes that have inspired them by providing a textual commentary that makes it possible to reconsider how the spectacular and the catastrophic are interrelated. Thus, the essays not only deal with the emergence of the modern spectacular imagination of catastrophe in terms of the history of both discourse and media, they also present themselves as a critique of catastrophe, one based on close readings of the scenes and images in question.
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Vittoria Borsó


Vittoria Borsò es catedrática emérita de filología española, francesa e italiana en la Universidad Heinrich Heine, Düsseldorf (Alemania). Becaria de la Fundación Humboldt. Senior Fellow en el Instituto Internacional para las Tecnologías de la Cultura y la Filosofía de los Medios (IKKM), Universidad de Weimar, con el proyecto Beyond Cultural Memory: The Making of Memory. Miembro de la comisión de evaluación de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German National Endowment for the Humanities) para las literaturas de Europa y América, así como de la junta directiva de UC Intercampus Research-Group on Mexican and Cultural Studies. Entre sus publicaciones más recientes se encuentra "Colonia, Independencia y Revolución escritas y representadas de otra manera". Ute Seydel es catedrática de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Sus trabajos recientes se centran, por un lado, en las culturas de rememoración y la memoria cultural en México, Argentina y Chile y, por otro, en ensayo, narrativa y teatro de escritoras latinoamericanas. Es autora de "Narrar historia(s): la ficcionalización de temas históricos por las escritoras mexicanas Elena Garro, Rosa Beltrán y Carmen Boullosa", así como de diversas colaboraciones en revistas especializadas nacionales e internacionales. Es coautora del "Diccionario de estudios culturales latinoamericanos" y de diversos volúmenes colectivos. Entre los más recientes figura "Culturas de la memoria. Teoría, historia y praxis simbólica".