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The Mystery of Marie Roget
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The Mystery of Marie Rogêt, often subtitled A Sequel to "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe written in 1842. This is the first murder mystery based on the details of a real crime. It first appeared in Snowden's Ladies' Companion in three installments, November and December 1842 and February 1843. Poe's detective character C. Auguste Dupin and his sidekick the unnamed narrator undertake the unsolved murder of Marie Rogêt in Paris. The body of Rogêt, a perfume shop employee, is found in the Seine River and the press takes a keen interest in the mystery. Dupin remarks that the newspapers "create a sensation ... [rather] than to further the cause of truth". Even so, he uses the newspaper reports to get into the mind of the murderer. Dupin uses his skills of ratiocination to determine that a single murderer was involved who dragged her by the cloth belt around her waist at first, then switching to a cloth around her neck, before dumping her body off a boat into the river. Finding the boat, Dupin suggests, will lead the police to the murderer.

The Mystery of Marie Rogêt, often subtitled A Sequel to "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe written in 1842. This is the first murder mystery based on the details of a real crime. It first appeared in Snowden's Ladies' Companion in three installments, November and December 1842 and February 1843. Poe's detective character C. Auguste Dupin and his sidekick the unnamed narrator undertake the unsolved murder of Marie Rogêt in Paris. The body of Rogêt, a perfume shop employee, is found in the Seine River and the press takes a keen interest in the mystery. Dupin remarks that the newspapers "create a sensation ... [rather] than to further the cause of truth". Even so, he uses the newspaper reports to get into the mind of the murderer. Dupin uses his skills of ratiocination to determine that a single murderer was involved who dragged her by the cloth belt around her waist at first, then switching to a cloth around her neck, before dumping her body off a boat into the river. Finding the boat, Dupin suggests, will lead the police to the murderer.
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Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe


(Boston, 1809-Baltimore, 1849) vivió una vida marcada por la necesidad y la desgracia: huérfano desde muy pequeño, escritor profesional con constantes altibajos económicos, viudo tras el fallecimiento de su joven esposa, su prima Virginia Clemm. Pero su obra sentó las bases de la literatura del futuro. Si el genio es la capacidad de «crear un tópico nuevo», como afirmaba Baudelaire (que lo tradujo y vivió poseído por este «escritor de los nervios»), de Poe surgen las reglas más fecundas de la literatura moderna. Por ejemplo, las del flaneurismo y el individuo perdido entre las masas de las ciudades. O las del cuento de terror psicológico, del que fue maestro en piezas célebres como «La caída de la Casa Usher» o «El corazón delator». O los elementos que definen el género policíaco, con las historias protagonizadas por Auguste Dupin, el primer detective. Poe fijó incluso las claves de una poesía moderna, urbana y «desromantizada» que da pie a las vanguardias del siglo XX y llevó a Stéphane Mallarmé a definirlo como «el dios intelectual de su siglo». Su muerte, con apenas cuarenta años de edad (¿alcoholismo?, ¿sobredosis?, ¿suicidio?), sigue siendo un misterio.