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  • Ebook
Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

  • Año de edición 2022
USD $ 9,99

Probably the best-known of all Dickens' works, Oliver Twist was originally published as a serial, and sought to bring the public's attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals.The novel is full of drama, sarcasm and dark humour even as it reveals the hypocrisies of the time.

Probably the best-known of all Dickens' works, Oliver Twist was originally published as a serial, and sought to bring the public's attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals.The novel is full of drama, sarcasm and dark humour even as it reveals the hypocrisies of the time.
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    444.3 KB
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Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens


(1812-1870) fue un prolífico escritor y uno de los autores más influyentes del siglo XIX. Títulos como David CopperfieldOliver Twist o Canción de Navidad, entre otros, han conseguido gran popularidad y continúan siendo grandes éxitos de público en el día de hoy. 

Sus obras, además de ser un preciso retrato del siglo XIX, destacan por el uso de la ironía y el humor, por su carga de crítica social y por su repertorio de memorables personajes construidos con todos los matices del carácter humano.