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Rethinking Intellectuals in...

Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America

  • Año de edición 2022
USD $ 24,99

Latin America's political and cultural upheavals in recent years are in large measure attributable to a flourishing renaissance of knowledge production and innovation – intellectual, cultural, literary, grassroots, and artistic projects that have exploded from a multiplicity of social settings and in new media, new movements, and new political expressions. Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America captures unfolding processes and cultural politics through a comparative lens examining both historical precursors and contemporary dynamics. This work offers an interdisciplinary tour de force, combining perspectives from history, literature, anthropology, linguistics, politics, and law, and will be an indispensable source for those who want to capture – in all of its plural complexity – the past and the future of cultural and intellectual shifts transforming the Americas.

Latin America's political and cultural upheavals in recent years are in large measure attributable to a flourishing renaissance of knowledge production and innovation – intellectual, cultural, literary, grassroots, and artistic projects that have exploded from a multiplicity of social settings and in new media, new movements, and new political expressions. Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America captures unfolding processes and cultural politics through a comparative lens examining both historical precursors and contemporary dynamics. This work offers an interdisciplinary tour de force, combining perspectives from history, literature, anthropology, linguistics, politics, and law, and will be an indispensable source for those who want to capture – in all of its plural complexity – the past and the future of cultural and intellectual shifts transforming the Americas.
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Mabel Moraña


Mabel Moraña (Montevideo, 1948) es titular de la Cátedra William H. Gass de Humanidades en la Washington University in Saint Louis, donde imparte clases de teoría cultural y estudios latinoamericanos. Fue directora de publicaciones del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. Es autora, entre otros libros, de Políticas de la escritura en América Latina (1997), Viaje al silencio (1998), Crítica impura (2006), La escritura del límite (2010) y Arguedas/Vargas Llosa: el demonio feliz y el hablador (2013).Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado (Ciudad de México, 1979) es profesor asociado de literatura latinoamericana y estudios internacionales en la Washington University in Saint Louis. Se especializa en letras, cultura y cine mexicanos de los siglos XX y XXI.