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Alice Through the...

Alice Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carrol

  • Año de edición 2023
COP $ 13.900

Immerse yourself in a world of limitless imagination and boundless wonder with Lewis Carroll's classic tale, "Alice Through the Looking Glass." Follow the beloved character Alice as she travels through a strange and fantastical mirror-world, encountering a cast of curious characters and embarking on mind-bending adventures. The story, is a sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" takes us deeper into the rabbit hole and explores the theme of time and its relation to our own reality. Along the way, Alice meets familiar faces like the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, as well as new characters like the Jabberwocky and the Red Queen. Each encounter is more surreal and mind-boggling than the last, making this one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking books you will ever read. With its captivating narrative, rich imagery, and timeless themes, "Alice Through the Looking Glass" is a literary treasure that will be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Whether you're a long-time fan or a first-time reader, this book is sure to delight and inspire.

Immerse yourself in a world of limitless imagination and boundless wonder with Lewis Carroll's classic tale, "Alice Through the Looking Glass." Follow the beloved character Alice as she travels through a strange and fantastical mirror-world, encountering a cast of curious characters and embarking on mind-bending adventures. The story, is a sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" takes us deeper into the rabbit hole and explores the theme of time and its relation to our own reality. Along the way, Alice meets familiar faces like the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, as well as new characters like the Jabberwocky and the Red Queen. Each encounter is more surreal and mind-boggling than the last, making this one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking books you will ever read. With its captivating narrative, rich imagery, and timeless themes, "Alice Through the Looking Glass" is a literary treasure that will be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Whether you're a long-time fan or a first-time reader, this book is sure to delight and inspire.
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    370.8 KB
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Lewis Carroll


Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dogson; 1832-1898) Lógico, matemático, fotógrafo y novelista británico. Tras licenciarse en el Christ Church (1854), empezó a trabajar como docente y a colaborar en revistas cómicas y literarias, adoptando el seudónimo por el que sería universalmente conocido. Escribió dos de las más entrañables narraciones que se han producido en el campo de la literatura. Vivió 66 años tan tranquilamente como puede hacerlo cualquier otro hombre, y el trabajo y ocupación de su vida, así como su diversión favorita, fueron las matemáticas. Padeció de insomnios durante toda su existencia, y pasaba noches enteras despierto, con los arduos problemas matemáticos dando vueltas en su cabeza, y tratando de descifrarlos. Escribió también poesía, campo en el que destaca en su producción el poema narrativo "La caza del snark", plagado también de elementos fantásticos. Además de diversos textos matemáticos, fue autor de trabajos dedicados a la lógica simbólica, con el propósito explícito de popularizarla, en los cuales apunta su inclinación por explorar los límites y las contradicciones de los principios aceptados.