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  • Ebook
Making Social Rights Real

Making Social Rights Real

  • Año de edición 2014
USD $ 4,99

Given the disappointing implementation levels in various countries and across human rights systems, this guide seeks to contribute to the discussion regarding strategies for courts, international decision-makers, and civil society to increase the implementation of ESCR decisions. For generations, human rights defenders have struggled to secure recognition of economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) and ensure their justiciability in national, regional and international courts, a struggle that has been very successful. National courts around the world, including in Colombia, India, South Africa and Kenya, are expressing their views on ESC rights on a regular basis, and several countries have explicitly included the justiciability of ESC rights in their constitutions. Regional tribunals such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights now consider petitions on ESCR. At the international level, in 2013, the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights entered into force, allowing the Committee on Economic and Social Rights to hear individual complaints concerning violations of ESC rights

Given the disappointing implementation levels in various countries and across human rights systems, this guide seeks to contribute to the discussion regarding strategies for courts, international decision-makers, and civil society to increase the implementation of ESCR decisions. For generations, human rights defenders have struggled to secure recognition of economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) and ensure their justiciability in national, regional and international courts, a struggle that has been very successful. National courts around the world, including in Colombia, India, South Africa and Kenya, are expressing their views on ESC rights on a regular basis, and several countries have explicitly included the justiciability of ESC rights in their constitutions. Regional tribunals such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights now consider petitions on ESCR. At the international level, in 2013, the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights entered into force, allowing the Committee on Economic and Social Rights to hear individual complaints concerning violations of ESC rights
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César Rodríguez Garavito

César Rodríguez Garavito


Director y cofundador de Dejusticia y director fundador del Programa de Justicia Global y Derechos Humanos de la Univ. de los Andes. Ha sido profesor visitante de las universidades de Stanford, Brown, Pretoria (Sudáfrica), American-El Cairo, Central European University y Fundación Getulio Vargas (Brasil). Director fundador del Human Rights Lab y miembro de las juntas directivas de WITNESS, Business & Human Rights Resource Center, openGlobalRightsBusiness & Human Rights Journal. Ha sido conjuez de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia y es columnista de El Espectador.

Abogado U. de los Andes y Ph.D. en Sociología de la U. Wisconsin-Madison. Tienes maestrías en Filosofía de U. Nacional Colombia, en Derecho & Sociedad de NYU, y en Sociología de la U. de Wisconsin-Madison.

Sus publicaciones incluyen Business and Human Rights: Beyond the End of the Beginning (Cambridge University Press, ed); Juicio a la exclusión: el impacto del activismo judicial sobre derechos sociales en el Sur Global(Siglo XXI, coaut.); Compliance with Socioeconomic Rights Judgments(Cambridge, coed.),“El futuro de los derechos humanos” (Revista Sur); El derecho en América Latina: un mapa para el pensamiento jurídico del siglo XXI (coord.); Balancing Wealth and Health: the Battle over Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Latin America (Oxford Univ. Press, coed.); Investigación anfibia: la investigación-acción en un mundo multimedia (Dejusticia); “ global governance, indigenous peoples and the right to prior consultation in social minefields” (Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies); “Beyond the Courtroom: The Impact of Judicial Activism on Socioeconomic Rights in Latin America” (Texas Law Review).