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Recently Discovered Letters...

Recently Discovered Letters of George Santayana

COP $ 82.750

The concerted efforts of three respected Santayana scholars have coalesced in this book that includes the transcription of the philosophers letters to Charles A. Loeser and to Albert von Westenholz. Daniel Pinkas discovered and analyzed them only recently and they are published here for the first time, in English and Spanish, translated by Daniel Moreno and presented by José Beltrán. The volume comprises the letters Santayana sent to his two friends over five long decades, spanning the nineteenth and twentieth century. This collection of epistolary writings constitutes a surprising mosaic-like jewel made up of a constellation of life episodes that pulsate in each and every letter and resonate suggestively in the echo-chamber of Santayanas body of work.Pictures and books, persons and places, landscapes and voyages. So many comings and goings, so many departures and arrivals, crossing countries on trains and oceans on ships, staying in hotels and university residences, stopping off at memorable cafés, giving lectures here and there, reading and writing incessantly. By partaking, under the philosophers guidance, in the experience these pages offer, we will somehow make our own Santayanas words at the end of these letters: I saw things I shall never forget.

The concerted efforts of three respected Santayana scholars have coalesced in this book that includes the transcription of the philosophers letters to Charles A. Loeser and to Albert von Westenholz. Daniel Pinkas discovered and analyzed them only recently and they are published here for the first time, in English and Spanish, translated by Daniel Moreno and presented by José Beltrán. The volume comprises the letters Santayana sent to his two friends over five long decades, spanning the nineteenth and twentieth century. This collection of epistolary writings constitutes a surprising mosaic-like jewel made up of a constellation of life episodes that pulsate in each and every letter and resonate suggestively in the echo-chamber of Santayanas body of work.Pictures and books, persons and places, landscapes and voyages. So many comings and goings, so many departures and arrivals, crossing countries on trains and oceans on ships, staying in hotels and university residences, stopping off at memorable cafés, giving lectures here and there, reading and writing incessantly. By partaking, under the philosophers guidance, in the experience these pages offer, we will somehow make our own Santayanas words at the end of these letters: I saw things I shall never forget.
  • Isbn
  • Peso
    0.64 kg.
  • Tamaño
    17 x 24 cm.
  • Número de páginas
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George Santayana


George (o Jorge Ruiz de) Santayana (1863-1952) Aunque esté considerado como uno de los máximos exponentes de la Edad de Oro de la filosofía norteamericana, Santayana pasó en Estados Unidos menos de la mitad de su larga vida: concretamente, desde los ocho años, cuando se traslada de su Madrid natal a Boston, y los cuarenta y nueve, momento en que pone fin a una brillante carrera académica en Harvard y regresa a Europa para cumplir su sueño de una existencia sin compromisos ni ataduras, consagrada por entero al estudio y la escritura. Ensayista, poeta, escritor excepcional, Santayana gozó en vida de todos los reconocimientos que un hombre de letras puede ambicionar. Su filosofía, una combinación insólita entre el materialismo más descreído y la exaltación de la vida espiritual contemplativa, conjuga la tragedia y la ironía en una única mirada tan distante como comprensiva.