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Frankenstein Or, The Modern...

Frankenstein Or, The Modern Prometheus

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Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus, a novel known worldwide as Frankenstein, is a pioneering work, considered the initiator of science fiction. Published in 1818 and set in the tradition of the Gothic novel, it explores such topical themes as the morality of science, eternal life and man's relationship with God. Frankenstein is written in epistolary form, which achieves great verisimilitude and closeness to the reader. The story is set in 18th century Europe at the height of the scientific effervescence. The captain of a whaling ship writes to his sister Margaret about his vicissitudes and his encounter with the tenebrous scientist Victor Frankenstein, who, in search of the secret of life and without measuring the consequences that this will bring him, creates a new being with parts of other dead human beings.

Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus, a novel known worldwide as Frankenstein, is a pioneering work, considered the initiator of science fiction. Published in 1818 and set in the tradition of the Gothic novel, it explores such topical themes as the morality of science, eternal life and man's relationship with God. Frankenstein is written in epistolary form, which achieves great verisimilitude and closeness to the reader. The story is set in 18th century Europe at the height of the scientific effervescence. The captain of a whaling ship writes to his sister Margaret about his vicissitudes and his encounter with the tenebrous scientist Victor Frankenstein, who, in search of the secret of life and without measuring the consequences that this will bring him, creates a new being with parts of other dead human beings.
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Mary Shelley


Fue una narradora, dramaturga, ensayista, filósofa y biógrafa británica, reconocida sobre todo por ser la autora de la novela gótica Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo (1818). También editó y promocionó las obras de su esposo, el poeta romántico y filósofo Percy Bysshe Shelley. Su padre fue el filósofo político William Godwin y su madre la filósofa feminista Mary Wollstonecraft.