- Ebook

Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Selamat tidur, si serigala (English – Malaysian)
- Año de edición 2022
USD $ 4,99
Heart-warming bedtime story in two languages (English and Malaysian) for children from 2 years. Accompanied by an online audiobook and video in English (British as well as American) Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… ► With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in. Buku kanak-kanak dwibahasa, 2 tahun (b. Inggeris – bahasa Malaysia) Tim tidak boleh tidur. Si Serigalanya hilang! Apakah Tim lupa Si Serigala di luar? Seorang diri, Tim keluar malam-malam untuk mencari Si Serigala – tapi tiba-tiba menjumpai orang yang tidak dijangka.
Heart-warming bedtime story in two languages (English and Malaysian) for children from 2 years. Accompanied by an online audiobook and video in English (British as well as American)
Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends…
► With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
Buku kanak-kanak dwibahasa, 2 tahun (b. Inggeris – bahasa Malaysia)
Tim tidak boleh tidur. Si Serigalanya hilang! Apakah Tim lupa Si Serigala di luar? Seorang diri, Tim keluar malam-malam untuk mencari Si Serigala – tapi tiba-tiba menjumpai orang yang tidak dijangka.
Peso39.3 MB
Número de páginas28
Año de edición2022