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Collected Works: Volume 4
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The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective fiction, a genre he is credited with inventing. These works are generally considered part of the Dark romanticism movement, a literary reaction to Transcendentalism. Poe's writing reflects his literary theories: he disagreed with didacticism and allegory. Meaning in literature, he said in his criticism, should be an undercurrent just beneath the surface; works whose meanings are too obvious cease to be art. Poe pursued originality in his works, and disliked proverbs. He often included elements of popular pseudosciences such as phrenology and physiognomy. His most recurring themes deal with questions of death, including its physical signs, the effects of decomposition, concerns of premature burial, the reanimation of the dead, and mourning. Though known as a masterly practitioner of Gothic fiction, Poe did not invent the genre; he was following a long-standing popular tradition.

The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective fiction, a genre he is credited with inventing. These works are generally considered part of the Dark romanticism movement, a literary reaction to Transcendentalism. Poe's writing reflects his literary theories: he disagreed with didacticism and allegory. Meaning in literature, he said in his criticism, should be an undercurrent just beneath the surface; works whose meanings are too obvious cease to be art. Poe pursued originality in his works, and disliked proverbs. He often included elements of popular pseudosciences such as phrenology and physiognomy. His most recurring themes deal with questions of death, including its physical signs, the effects of decomposition, concerns of premature burial, the reanimation of the dead, and mourning. Though known as a masterly practitioner of Gothic fiction, Poe did not invent the genre; he was following a long-standing popular tradition.
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Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe


(Boston, 1809-Baltimore, 1849) vivió una vida marcada por la necesidad y la desgracia: huérfano desde muy pequeño, escritor profesional con constantes altibajos económicos, viudo tras el fallecimiento de su joven esposa, su prima Virginia Clemm. Pero su obra sentó las bases de la literatura del futuro. Si el genio es la capacidad de «crear un tópico nuevo», como afirmaba Baudelaire (que lo tradujo y vivió poseído por este «escritor de los nervios»), de Poe surgen las reglas más fecundas de la literatura moderna. Por ejemplo, las del flaneurismo y el individuo perdido entre las masas de las ciudades. O las del cuento de terror psicológico, del que fue maestro en piezas célebres como «La caída de la Casa Usher» o «El corazón delator». O los elementos que definen el género policíaco, con las historias protagonizadas por Auguste Dupin, el primer detective. Poe fijó incluso las claves de una poesía moderna, urbana y «desromantizada» que da pie a las vanguardias del siglo XX y llevó a Stéphane Mallarmé a definirlo como «el dios intelectual de su siglo». Su muerte, con apenas cuarenta años de edad (¿alcoholismo?, ¿sobredosis?, ¿suicidio?), sigue siendo un misterio.