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The River Never Looks Back
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This is a book about the theory and practice of the method of systemic family constellation. Ursula Franke provides a well-grounded historical overview of the precursors to family constellations. In addition, she presents and defines the central terminology of these methods. The author presents a model that attempts to explain the efficacy of constellations. The empirical section allows the reader to take a look at the procedure that is used in the process of a constellation. In addition, the possibilities for and limitations of using constellations in individual therapy are discussed.The study presented in "The River never looks back" focuses on therapy with anxiety patients. The results of the study can be used in regular psychotherapeutic practices, and is thus is helpful for all therapists who work with constellations.

This is a book about the theory and practice of the method of systemic family constellation. Ursula Franke provides a well-grounded historical overview of the precursors to family constellations. In addition, she presents and defines the central terminology of these methods. The author presents a model that attempts to explain the efficacy of constellations. The empirical section allows the reader to take a look at the procedure that is used in the process of a constellation. In addition, the possibilities for and limitations of using constellations in individual therapy are discussed.The study presented in "The River never looks back" focuses on therapy with anxiety patients. The results of the study can be used in regular psychotherapeutic practices, and is thus is helpful for all therapists who work with constellations.
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Bert Hellinger

Bert Hellinger


Bert Hellinger (Alemania 1925), estudió Filosofía, Teología y Pedagogía. Como miembro de una orden de misioneros católicos estuvo viviendo y trabajando durante 16 años en Sudáfrica, dirigiendo varias Escuelas Superiores en las comunidades zulúes. Posteriormente, se hizo psicoanalista y, a través de la Dinámica de Grupos, Terapia Primaria, Análisis Transaccional y diversos métodos hipnoterapéuticos, llegó a desarrollar su propia Terapia Sistémica y Familiar
Sus insights fundamentales de las leyes según las cuales los miembros de un sistema familiar quedan trágicamente implicados, así como su manera de configurar Constelaciones Familiares, concentrada e inmediatamente enfocada en la solución, le valieron el reconocimiento como una de las figuras claves del mundo psicoterapéutico actual.
Es autor de numerosos libros, entre otros, Reconocer lo que es, Los órdenes del amor; El centro se distingue por su levedad y Religión, psicoterapia y cura de almas, todos ellos publicados por Herder.