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The House of Mirth
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The House of Mirth, a novel by Edith Wharton (1862–1937), tells the story of Lily Bart, a well-born but impoverished woman belonging to New York City's high society around the turn of the last century. Wharton creates a portrait of a stunning beauty who, though raised and educated to marry well both socially and economically, is reaching her 29th year, an age when her youthful blush is drawing to a close and her marital prospects are becoming ever more limited. The House of Mirth traces Lily's slow two-year social descent from privilege to a tragically lonely existence on the margins of society. Wharton uses Lily as an attack on "an irresponsible, grasping and morally corrupt upper class." Before publication as a book on October 14, 1905, The House of Mirth was serialized in Scribner's Magazine beginning in January 1905. It attracted a readership among housewives and businessmen alike. Charles Scribner wrote Edith in November 1905 that the novel was showing "the most rapid sale of any book ever published by Scribner." By the end of December sales had reached 140,000 copies. Edith's royalties were valued at more than half a million dollars in today's currency. The commercial and critical success of The House of Mirth solidified Wharton's reputation as a major novelist. Because of the novel's commercial success, some critics classified it as a genre novel. However, Edith's pastor, then rector of Trinity Church in Manhattan, wrote to tell her that her novel was "a terrible but just arraignment of the social misconduct which begins in folly and ends in moral and spiritual death." This moral purpose was not lost on the literary reviewers and critics of the time who tended to categorize it as both social satire and a novel of manners. Carol Singley in her Introduction to Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth: A Case Book states, "[The House of Mirth] is a unique blend of romance, realism, and naturalism,[and thus] transcends the narrow classification of a novel of manners."

The House of Mirth, a novel by Edith Wharton (1862–1937), tells the story of Lily Bart, a well-born but impoverished woman belonging to New York City's high society around the turn of the last century. Wharton creates a portrait of a stunning beauty who, though raised and educated to marry well both socially and economically, is reaching her 29th year, an age when her youthful blush is drawing to a close and her marital prospects are becoming ever more limited. The House of Mirth traces Lily's slow two-year social descent from privilege to a tragically lonely existence on the margins of society. Wharton uses Lily as an attack on "an irresponsible, grasping and morally corrupt upper class." Before publication as a book on October 14, 1905, The House of Mirth was serialized in Scribner's Magazine beginning in January 1905. It attracted a readership among housewives and businessmen alike. Charles Scribner wrote Edith in November 1905 that the novel was showing "the most rapid sale of any book ever published by Scribner." By the end of December sales had reached 140,000 copies. Edith's royalties were valued at more than half a million dollars in today's currency. The commercial and critical success of The House of Mirth solidified Wharton's reputation as a major novelist. Because of the novel's commercial success, some critics classified it as a genre novel. However, Edith's pastor, then rector of Trinity Church in Manhattan, wrote to tell her that her novel was "a terrible but just arraignment of the social misconduct which begins in folly and ends in moral and spiritual death." This moral purpose was not lost on the literary reviewers and critics of the time who tended to categorize it as both social satire and a novel of manners. Carol Singley in her Introduction to Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth: A Case Book states, "[The House of Mirth] is a unique blend of romance, realism, and naturalism,[and thus] transcends the narrow classification of a novel of manners."
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Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton


Edith Wharton nació en Nueva York en 1862. Su nombre de soltera era Edith Newbold Jones. Su familia era de clase alta, comparable a la aristocracia europea, y consecuentemente recibió una esmerada educación privada. Antes de cumplir los cinco años viajó por primera vez con sus padres a Europa. En 1885, cuando tenía veintitrés años, Edith se casó con Edgard (Teddy) Robbins Wharton, doce años mayor que ella. Se divorciaron en 1913 a causa de las repetidas y públicas infidelidades de su marido, que afectaron mental y físicamente a la escritora y que motivaron que tuviera que ser ingresada en una casa de reposo. Su primera novela, El valle de la decisión, se publicó en 1902: un romance histórico que transcurre en la Italia del siglo XVIII. El año siguiente publicaría Santuario, y en 1905 vería la luz su primera gran novela, La casa de la alegría. En 1907 se estableció definitivamente en Francia, donde se convirtió en discípula y amiga de Henry James. De esta época destaca su novela corta Ethan Frome, una trágica historia de amor entre personas corrientes ambientada en Nueva Inglaterra, que se publicó en 1911. Su obra más conocida es La edad de la inocencia, publicada en 1920 y ganadora del premio Pulitzer en 1921. Edith Wharton está considerada la más genial novelista americana de su generación, admirada por intelectuales de la talla de Henry James, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Jean Cocteau y Ernest Hemingway. Falleció el 11 de agosto de 1937 en la localidad de Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt, cerca de París.