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A Son at the Front

A Son at the Front

  • Año de edición 2019
USD $ 3,99

Mrs. Wharton's story is the simple one of John Campton, the great American painter, whose only son, born in France, is subject to military service. The father, his divorced wife, and her banking husband all interest themselves to keep the boy out of danger, but he eludes their care and while ostensibly on staff work he is really with his regiment at the front. He is wounded, recovers, goes back, is wounded again and returns to die. The theme of the novel is American participation in the war, dramatized by the conversion of John Campton from a position of indifferent neutrality at the outset to a conviction that no 'civilized man could afford to stand aside from such a conflict.' Its substance is the goings and comings of Campton among all sorts of people, his humble French servants, his distinguished Parisian friends, his nondescript fellow countrymen, each of whom represents some attitude towards the War.

Mrs. Wharton's story is the simple one of John Campton, the great American painter, whose only son, born in France, is subject to military service. The father, his divorced wife, and her banking husband all interest themselves to keep the boy out of danger, but he eludes their care and while ostensibly on staff work he is really with his regiment at the front. He is wounded, recovers, goes back, is wounded again and returns to die. The theme of the novel is American participation in the war, dramatized by the conversion of John Campton from a position of indifferent neutrality at the outset to a conviction that no 'civilized man could afford to stand aside from such a conflict.' Its substance is the goings and comings of Campton among all sorts of people, his humble French servants, his distinguished Parisian friends, his nondescript fellow countrymen, each of whom represents some attitude towards the War.
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Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton


Edith Wharton nació en Nueva York en 1862. Su nombre de soltera era Edith Newbold Jones. Su familia era de clase alta, comparable a la aristocracia europea, y consecuentemente recibió una esmerada educación privada. Antes de cumplir los cinco años viajó por primera vez con sus padres a Europa. En 1885, cuando tenía veintitrés años, Edith se casó con Edgard (Teddy) Robbins Wharton, doce años mayor que ella. Se divorciaron en 1913 a causa de las repetidas y públicas infidelidades de su marido, que afectaron mental y físicamente a la escritora y que motivaron que tuviera que ser ingresada en una casa de reposo. Su primera novela, El valle de la decisión, se publicó en 1902: un romance histórico que transcurre en la Italia del siglo XVIII. El año siguiente publicaría Santuario, y en 1905 vería la luz su primera gran novela, La casa de la alegría. En 1907 se estableció definitivamente en Francia, donde se convirtió en discípula y amiga de Henry James. De esta época destaca su novela corta Ethan Frome, una trágica historia de amor entre personas corrientes ambientada en Nueva Inglaterra, que se publicó en 1911. Su obra más conocida es La edad de la inocencia, publicada en 1920 y ganadora del premio Pulitzer en 1921. Edith Wharton está considerada la más genial novelista americana de su generación, admirada por intelectuales de la talla de Henry James, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Jean Cocteau y Ernest Hemingway. Falleció el 11 de agosto de 1937 en la localidad de Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt, cerca de París.