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Victims and press after the...

Victims and press after the war

  • Año de edición 2018
USD $ 4,99

The drive to conduct this research was born out of the tension that developed on May of 2017 in the context of the journalistic coverage of the exhumations of those who died in the Bojayá massacre. Thus, this document has the purpose of asking and answering, from a socio-legal perspective, the following question: How can the events related to the armed conflict and to the transition to peace be narrated without violating the right to privacy of the victims? Or, how can a journalist record a dramatic event or recount an injuste that moves readers while respecting the limits of the private lives of the victims? To answer the question, this document examines the tensions between rights that can arise out of narrating the transition to peace as part of the journalistic profession, with the hope that the conclusion set forth is valid not only for the Bojayá case, but also in future transition years, as both victims and society in general benefit from a free and responsible press and the respect for private lives.

The drive to conduct this research was born out of the tension that developed on May of 2017 in the context of the journalistic coverage of the exhumations of those who died in the Bojayá massacre. Thus, this document has the purpose of asking and answering, from a socio-legal perspective, the following question: How can the events related to the armed conflict and to the transition to peace be narrated without violating the right to privacy of the victims? Or, how can a journalist record a dramatic event or recount an injuste that moves readers while respecting the limits of the private lives of the victims? To answer the question, this document examines the tensions between rights that can arise out of narrating the transition to peace as part of the journalistic profession, with the hope that the conclusion set forth is valid not only for the Bojayá case, but also in future transition years, as both victims and society in general benefit from a free and responsible press and the respect for private lives.
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María Ximena Dávila


Es abogada, con estudios en Literatura y Periodismo, de la Universidad de los Andes. Allí también hizo su maestría en Sociología. Su trabajo e intereses de investigación se centran en los siguientes temas: movilización social y acción colectiva; manifestaciones de cuidado y construcción de la vida cotidiana en medio de contextos hostiles; violencias y desigualdades de género; procesos de construcción del estado desde abajo; y metodologías de investigación cualitativas y participativas. Ha sido profesora de cátedra en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes y tiene experiencia previa en investigación sobre política de drogas, justicia transicional y discapacidad.

En Dejusticia trabaja como investigadora en el Área de Género, donde estudia temas de derechos reproductivos, acoso sexual, movilización feminista, economía del cuidado y el surgimiento de grupos conservadores en América Latina. Antes de eso, trabajó en el área de transparencia, tecnología y derechos humanos. Desde allí realizó investigaciones sobre corrupción y libertad de expresión.