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Frankenstein or, the Modern...

Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus

USD $ 5,99

In "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus", Victor Frankenstein, a scientist driven by ambition, creates life from dead matter, producing a creature who, though intelligent and sensitive, is rejected by society for his terrifying appearance. As the creature becomes vengeful, he seeks revenge on his creator, leading to tragic consequences.

In "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus", Victor Frankenstein, a scientist driven by ambition, creates life from dead matter, producing a creature who, though intelligent and sensitive, is rejected by society for his terrifying appearance. As the creature becomes vengeful, he seeks revenge on his creator, leading to tragic consequences.
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Mary Shelley


Fue una narradora, dramaturga, ensayista, filósofa y biógrafa británica, reconocida sobre todo por ser la autora de la novela gótica Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo (1818). También editó y promocionó las obras de su esposo, el poeta romántico y filósofo Percy Bysshe Shelley. Su padre fue el filósofo político William Godwin y su madre la filósofa feminista Mary Wollstonecraft.